Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Last week hubby was on vacation and we had to rent a backhoe to dig up our backyard to re-do our septic system. (oh what fun.)
JT(our 3 yr old) however, was very excited that "Scoop" would be personally coming to our house. (For those of you that don't know, "Scoop" is the name of the backhoe featured in one of JT's favorite cartoons, Bob The Builder)
Friday night the giant beast of a thing arrived and the minute it pulled into our driveway to be unloaded "J" started screaming "Scoop's here!!! Scoops here!!!!!!" while running at full speed around the house to the window to watch it be unloaded.
While he was excited it was here he was also deathly afraid of it.
We told him he could climb up on it and sit w/Dad but that was a big NO. Finally after much convincing and the handing over of the key to me JT finally decided to get on board. But...not for long - still a little too scary. The next day hubby was finishing up with leveling the yard out and we finally talked JT into getting on - then Dad turned the key and JT was hooked! He stayed on "Scoop" for 30 minutes helping to dig up stuff and I got some great photos out of it. How darn cute are they!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

JC1 and D look soooo cute together!
I miss yall so much!