Monday, May 01, 2006

A Little Bit of Nature

Quack Quack Quack...don't look back!
I took all these photos last week.
Mr Frog:
The frog I found by accident. I was cleaning up some things on the deck and had dumped all my trash and flower clippings into an old plastic bucket to carry around to the trash. When I got ready to toss the bucket this little frog hopped out on top, as if to say, "hey lady - you're messin with my home here!" I picked him up and placed him on the branch of one of our crepe myrtle trees. He took up residence there all day and so late in the afternoon I decided to snap a picture of him.
The Rose:
The rose just fascinated me. D and I were enjoying a cool morning, drinking coffee of the deck when I leaned over to look at all the roses that were blooming on one of our bushes. They were still wet with dew that morning and looked almost like they were iced. I couldn't resist a shot of this one that had a "perfect" bud and was still tightly curled.
The Ducks:
The ducks live behind us on the horse pond. There are five of them and at any given time each day you can usually look out back and see them waddling around by the horses or up and down our neighbor's gravel road. They always stick together - all five and they live there year round - during cold weather they just take up residence in the stables and nest in the hay enclosure. On this particular rainy day the kids and I returned from running some errands and found them waddling around in our flower bed by the garage. Have no idea how they made it all the way from the pond, past the stables and then turned the corner around the fence and down to our driveway but they did. JT and I chased them around and tried to feed em but they were just busy on trying to find their way back to the pond. We finally had to get Cuba (on a leash of course) to fuss at em and chase back up the drive and back around the corner. We haven't seen em over here since!

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